What Should I Wear to Work? 5/5

I can imagine young kids going through this book time and again, poring over the pictures of people in the wrong work clothing and marveling over new things they notice each time they look. I love the message of this book, about how the utility of clothing changes depending on what you want to do. This is a concept that’s hard for kids to understand as they don their favorite pajamas to play in the snow or insist on wearing a bathing suit to kindergarten. Jana Sedlackova shows with humor, accuracy and energy how a mask suitable for the opera will not protect a firefighter, and how hiking boots, while sturdy and practical for many things, won’t help a ballet dancer get through her performance. Each page spread gives the humorous depiction of a person wearing a wildly inappropriate selection, and on the other side is a labeled collection of what that person would wear, plus the equipment they’d use. For example, a firefighter would use a ladder, fire extinguisher, axe and so on, in addition to the specialty clothing. A nice book that will be enjoyed by a wide variety of children.

Author: Marsha

I write historical fiction, mostly from the perspective of young people who are thrust in the midst of war.