Such a nice day today at Stratford Christian school! The four students in the photo below were my helpers for the day. They showed me around, got me water and a table. All four also happen to be avid readers of my books, so I wanted to get a pic! I wasn’t sure if they needed their faces covered, so we took them both ways. Please note, in addition to my books, I’m holding a copy of the heart-pounding adventure, Swimming With Spies, by Chrystyna Lucyk-Berger. There was a Scholastic Book Fair in the library, so I pointed out Chrystyna’s book because not only is it an excellent read, but in many ways, it’s a prequel to Under Attack.

I did presentations with the younger students with Silver Threads. The copy I read from was the second edition and some of the students pointed out that it looked different from the one they were familiar with, which turned out to be the first edition, published in 1996! There is now a third edition and it looks different again!
This was an all-Ukrainian-themed day today, as SDCS has paired with a Christian school in Ukraine.

Lots of good listening and great questions from students. There was also one request, that I name one of my characters Edwin in an upcoming book. I told Edwin that he’d have to wait until at least 2027 because my next two books are already written, but I love the name Edwin, so as long as it fits the story, I’ll do it! Other students asked if I could include their names as well, but I said one per school.