I have been using my Urban Poles for several months now and figured I should report in about how I’m finding them.
At first, they were a bit embarrassing. The first time I went out on my own, I felt like people were staring. For quite awhile, I would only use them when I was with a walking friend but lately it doesn’t bother me at all.
If you do get your own urban poles, be prepared for smiling patiently as people passing you think they’re original as they call out “Did you lose your skis?” or “Are you waiting for a big snow storm?” Haha.
What I love about these things is that they burn so much more energy than plain walking yet they’re easy to use and it doesn’t feel like work. They exercise the arms and the torso and they take some of the impact off the feet. I used to find that my hands would get swollen during a 10k walk because my hands would hang at my side. With these poles, they don’t get swollen. I broke a toe a couple of years ago, and ever since, that whole foot and ankle got injured or inflamed easily with long walks and runs, but since I’ve been using these poles, my stride is different and my foot is the best it’s been in a long time.
Also, if a mean dog comes up to me I have a weapon!
And when cars pass too closely, I have a weapon!
I love my urban poles!