Caledonia Park School, AB Winterkill visit

This is my favourite pic from the Nov 3rd visit with Caledonia Park School in Alberta. This is Bonnie N Eldon Wurban and what I love about this pic is what’s on her desk — a printout about #rheaclyman whom I dedicated Winterkill to. Rhea was a Canadian journalist and absolutely fearless. She did not take bribes from Stalin during the Holodomor like so many journalists did. Instead, she wrote the truth about the genocide she was witnessing. Rhea Clyman has a cameo role in Winterkill. Alice, one of the two main characters in Winterkill, is based on the real Alice that Rhea met in her Kharkiv hotel.

Winterkill Webinar for educators

Thank you, Valentina Kuryliw and HREC ED for hosting this wonderful opportunity to discuss Winterkill with Dr. Mateusz Swietlicki, author of many academic works, including the upcoming Next-Generation Memory and Ukrainian Canadian Children’s Historical Fiction. Thank you to all who tuned in. The webinar will soon be available online as an educator resource.