Winterkill in-person launch at Brantford Public Library

writes about war from a young person's view #bannedbyrussia
In this interview I recommended that kids donate to their local Red Cross because here in Brantford they could go to the Red Cross building and donate their allowance. Since then, the international Red Cross is thinking of opening an office in Rostov-On-Don, which is a tacit condoning of Russia’s mass kidnapping of Ukrainians whose cities they’ve destroyed. More info in this Reuters news article. Info about donating here.
Today’s launch of Traitors Among Us with the Brantford Public Library marks the final virtual visit of 2021! On Saturday, Koota Ooma helped me launch my second-last event of the year. Thank you to all who came out. I loved the great questions! I didn’t get any pics of Saturday’s event but here are some from today’s.