Book launch for Trapped

The Brantford Public Library hosted the Zoom book launch for Trapped in Hitler’s Web, with children’s librarian Anna Flaherty as the moderator. It was a wonderful conversation, with live Q&A from all over North America. I was particularly thrilled that quite a number of classes participated. This photo was taken by Kristina Hart at Boulder Peak Intermediate. We can’t hug during this pandemic, and I can’t autograph in person, but I was able to reach far more people with this book launch than I’ve ever been able to with past book launches. (I’m still missing the hugs though ….)

Brantford Book Launch! Too Young to Escape!

Hope you can join me and Van at the Brantford Public Library at 2:30 on December 1, 2018!


You are cordially invited to the book launch of Too Young to Escape: A Vietnamese Girl Waits to be Reunited With Her Family

When: Saturday, December 1, 2018, 2:30

Where: Brantford Public Library, 173 Colborne Street, Brantford ON N3T 2G8

Authors Marsha Skrypuch and Van Ho will do a brief reading and talk about this true story about 4-year-old Van, who had to be left behind when her mother, brother and sisters escaped by boat after the Vietnam war.

Book signing and sales to follow. Book cost is $18.95 + GST = $19.95

Hosted by the Brantford Public Library



Adrift at Sea Brantford book launch!

A surprise snow storm didn’t keep people away from coming to the Station Cafe on Dec 6th. We had a packed house!

Tuan came with his entire family and we all autographed the books that were sold that night. Proceeds of the event were donated to the Brant Anglican Churches Support for Syrian Refugees. Sweets were provided by the Brant Anglican Churches refugee committee. The Family Literacy Committee of Brant, Kids Can Fly and the St. George Girl Guides hosted the event. Many thanks to Mike Tutt and the Station Cafe for the great venue.

Here I am with the amazing Sharon Brooks of Kids Can Fly. Sharon was the master organizer of the launch. Sharon is dedicated to improving the lives of the kids of Brant (she has my vote for being a woman selected for Canadian currency!)