My friend, Melanie Kindrachuk saw a blog post by Lori Suss about these beautiful personal library quilts. She noticed that one of the library quilts included two of my books so she sent me a link.
I got in touch with the creators for permission to post their masterpieces here.
The two quilts were created by Fred and Betty Frost and Long Arm Quilted by Lori Suss – Night Owl Quilting, all members of Manitoba Prairie Quilters. The Personal Library Quilt Pattern by Heather Givans for Crimson Tate served as their guideline for constructing the quilt blocks.
Making the quilt into a personal library and memory quilt was Fred and Betty’s own creation. Their granddaughters, turning 12 (Maddie) and 15 (Izzy), just completed Grades 6 and 9. Betty and Fred’s goal was to make the quilts for June 2020 but then covid happened and so the girls received them a year late!