My husband Orest has a passion for flying and we have a Piper Dakota fondly known as Charlie. For the past number of summers, we’ve taken trips in Charlie to the Maritimes and New England, but this summer, we took him all the way to the west coast.
My part was easy. I sat back and watched my husband do all of the flight planning, plane maintenance, figuring out which airport and FBO Charlie would sleep at each night, and which city and hotel we’ll sleep at each night. My job? Reading a book, taking pictures, not getting nervous. We left on July 25th. Our first stop was Green Bay Wisconsin:
Orest wanted to go to the EAA AirVenture Fly-In. We stayed in Green Bay and he drove in.
I had been working on a novel that I desperately wanted to finish before our holiday started, so I was happy for the quietness of the hotel room that day in order to do some final polishing. From Green Bay, we flew to Winnipeg:
In case you’ve never noticed, Winnipeg is very far away from Green Bay. And there was weather on July 27th — a cluster of lightning near Oshkosh, plus other weather along the way so we did some diversions. We also stopped in Duluth for more fuel so we’d be prepared in case there were more diversions.

We got into Winnipeg around 5pm.