Superconference 2017

Brian Deines and me, at our signing.


Ted Staunton, me, Brian, Gail Winskill and John Spray

With Dave Atkinson


Awesome Mississauga visit

Loved my day with San Lorenzo Ruiz students last week. Such a pleasure to be able to present to every student in the school! I surprised one student who could read Portuguese with her own Portuguese edition of Stolen Child. With FDK and grade 1, I did 30 minute storytelling sessions for each, with When Mama Goes to Work. In the book, moms and kids have special bags when they’re going to work or school or day care. I told the kids that I’m a mom too, and I showed them my special bag — really a giant rolling box filled with my books. They had lots of fun pushing it around.

Adrift At Sea was for grades 2&3, then the WWII trilogy for the grade 4-6, then in more depth for grades 7-8.

Storytelling with When Mama Goes to Work

Adrift at Sea Brantford book launch!

A surprise snow storm didn’t keep people away from coming to the Station Cafe on Dec 6th. We had a packed house!

Tuan came with his entire family and we all autographed the books that were sold that night. Proceeds of the event were donated to the Brant Anglican Churches Support for Syrian Refugees. Sweets were provided by the Brant Anglican Churches refugee committee. The Family Literacy Committee of Brant, Kids Can Fly and the St. George Girl Guides hosted the event. Many thanks to Mike Tutt and the Station Cafe for the great venue.

Here I am with the amazing Sharon Brooks of Kids Can Fly. Sharon was the master organizer of the launch. Sharon is dedicated to improving the lives of the kids of Brant (she has my vote for being a woman selected for Canadian currency!)