I have an issue with the “literacy” movement. We are bombarded with statistics about how students are lacking in literacy skills and how boys especially are falling behind. At the same time, school boards across the country are cutting back on teacher-librarians and school library services. And while school libraries and teacher-librarians are becoming an endangered species, the “literacy” movement is alive and well.
You may think that the literacy movement and the quest for more teacher-librarians is the same thing but you are wrong. The one eats the funds for the other. And the one sucks the life out of the other. The problem with the literacy movement is that it reduces reading and books to a skill that needs to be learned instead of a forbidden pleasure that should be savoured. In other words, the literacy movement thinks of books and reading as broccoli while the teacher-librarian movement sees it as chocolate.
I’ll take chocolate any day.
Are you interested finding out more about teacher-librarians and school libraries? Here are some sites that may be of interest: