First pysanka of 2025

Here are the steps for making this pysanka:


after first dye dip: everything that will be white is covered with dark wax.


I waxed over everything that I wanted to stay pink, washed back the pink with a dye neutralizer, then dipped in blue.


Waxed over everything I wanted to be blue, then dipped into black dye. I drilled a hole into the bottom of the egg and blew the guts out, then stuck the waxy dyed hollow egg into the microwave for 10 seconds, then buffed off the melted wax.

Two pysanky up close

I still have a few pee wee eggs left and am trying to use them up while they’re still fresh enough to sink in the dye. I had a massive edit to do in the last few weeks and hadn’t done much of anything else, so writing 5 pysanky over the weekend was glorious. I wanted to try an old favorite division — 4 circles. These two pysanky have the 4 circles. I’m very pleased with the orange and black fish and snake egg!