Tuyet and Red Maple day

Thank you, Pat Thornton Jones, for sending these great photos of Red Maple day. Here are the nominees, their sign holders and student introducers, waiting for the last nominees to walk on. Next pic is Tuyet’s son Luke introducing Last Airlift.  And Tuyet, greeting the audience.








Winning the Silver Birch Fiction Award!

What a lovely surprise it was to WIN the Silver Birch Fiction Award this year! The SB roster of authors was company I was honoured to be included in, and quite frankly, it never occurred to me that I might win. Just to be nominated was a dream come true. My signing session was scheduled before the announcements. On the students’ autograph sheets was a spot set aside for the “winner”. One young lady insisted that I sign there. I told her that we didn’t know who had won yet. She gave me a pitying stare and said, Puleeze, you’ve won it. Sign it on the winner’s spot. I did, with trepidation.

The pic, from Helen Kubiw  shows me in a complete state of shock, thanking the audience.