HREC ED funded visit to Hallsville Elementary

What a lovely visit with Hallsville Intermediate School 5th grade students! Carli Procter did such good organizing and it was nice to see former librarian extraordinaire Melanie Dulaney as well!
This virtual visit was funded through a grant with HREC – Education Holodomor Research and Education Consortium – HREC for book talks on my newest novel, Winterkill, which is set during the Holodomor. Thank you for the visit, and HREC, thank you for funding 30 of these visits! (one down, twenty-nine to go!)

Marsha zooms for her youngest readers at Richmond Hill PL

Ukrainian Heritage Month with Marsha Skrypuch

Wed Sep 28, 2022 – 2:00pm – Wed Sep 28, 2022 – 3:00pm

Ages: Kids (Grades 1-3)

Celebrate Ukrainian Heritage Month with award-winning children’s book writer, Marsha Skrypuch. Learn how art can be used to discuss the refugee experience and discover the power of storytelling.

Educators in Richmond Hill can register their classes by calling 905-884-9288 ext. 5029. For more information, go here.

This program will be done through Zoom, a free video conferencing software for tablets, smartphones and computers. Access instructions will be sent to those who register.

Lviv Castle in Port Dover


A reader sent me a Facebook message because she thought I’d be interested in a new Port Dover restaurant called Lviv Castle at 201 Main Street that just opened up. The restaurant is run by Ukrainian refugees. The menu is mostly roadhouse but they recently added a nice selection of Ukrainian dishes. I went there yesterday with my husband and sister and we liked it so much that we went back again tonight with friends. Never have I ever gone to the same restaurant two nights in a row! If you love Ukrainian food and you’d like to support new hardworking arrivals from Ukraine, do drop in to Lviv Castle. I told Tatiana about how we found out about the restaurant and how what I write about in my books is now being enacted again by Putin. I happened to have ARCs (advance reader copies) of two of my books in the car, so I signed them and gave them to Tatiana. Not only did we have a wonderful visit with our friends, we had great food and good conversation with Tatiana. And my husband got to use his Ukrainian, which he spoke before he ever spoke English.