Books XXI in Chernivtsi, Ukraine is publishing this beautiful edition of Stolen Child (Stolen Girl). Titled The Kidnapped Girl for this edition, the translation was done by the talented Yuliya Lyubka. More information can be found here. In Canada it will be available from Koota Ooma and other Ukrainian bookstores.
Author: Marsha
I write historical fiction, mostly from the perspective of young people who are thrust in the midst of war.
My prayer for Ukraine
My prayer for the future
I pray for my father to come home from war.
My prayer for Ukraine
Peace and prosperity. Freedom for all of Ukraine.
Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine
What I see in the future for my country
Ukraine is free!
What does the future hold?
There are so many possibilities!
When I grow up I want to be
a soccer player!
My future?
Decisions decisions! Soccer player? IT professional?
Glory to Ukraine! I see my future self as an artist.