getting the hang of it

I think I’m getting used to this.

Hmmm, let me try something. I’ve already got a picture up (thanks Maggie)

The wand is because I can wave it to let people into private kidcrit or I can unwave it to kick them out. Ditto for the canscaip listserv. Must not let the power go to my head.

Here’s a link re my September whirlwind trip to Saskatchewan (my eyes don’t really glow like that — honestly!):

blog virgin

I have never done this before and I have no idea what I’m supposed to write. I have checked other people’s blogs. Hmmmm.

Let’s see:

dilemma —

Went out to dinner with a friend a few days ago. After, when we were at my place, she was looking through my bookshelves and said, “You know that folk tale book I loaned you ten or fifteen years ago?”

I didn’t remember…

“I’d really like it back.”

I am a read-aholic. And I do love folk tales and have quite a collection of folk tale books. I tore through all of my bookshelves but couldn’t find her folk tale book. I do vaguely remember reading hers years ago but I thought I had given it back.

Now I feel like a very bad friend.